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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
+ Never mind. +

Never mind about staying alone.
Never mind about yellowish water n filthy air.
Never mind about bad taxi drivers who like to cheat student’s money.
Never mind about staring in the thin air when no one is around.
Never mind about crying alone when I miss home.
Never mind about ppl not remembering dates.
Never mind about calling back to sg when no one answer.
Never mind about how kiasu ppl here can be.
Never mind about seeing close frens hanging out spending quality time while I miss ppl in sg.
Never mind about eating lousy food.
Never mind about falling sick often than before.
Never mind about how much I miss church in sg.
Never mind about ppl keep asking me y I choose to study in KL.
Never mind about how I wish I have a bestie with me.
Never mind about how little I get to watch TV.
Never mind about how unsafe KL is.
All because...
I am able to serve God the way I always dream of.
I am able to attend service and cell group mtg without fear.
I am able to attend all the weekday conferences.
I am able to attend prayer meetings.
I am able to fellowship with ppl without time restrictions.
I am able to join ministry.
I am doing the course I like.
I am excelling in school.
I am living my life to what God wants me to live.
I learn to see things differently.
I learn to treasure what I used to have.
I see myself doing things I couldn't do in e past.
I get to experience Him more than ever before.
I see ppl coming to Christ.
In all is worth it.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
+ Great is our God! +

*Blown awy* , *amazed* , *loved* so many feelings la. Had pst mike in church for 2 days, went to b prayed for twice. Thank God i was prepared every freeloader came out very fast. Like wat pam jie jie said i nvr cried n sound so woman b4, i feel tat was e best cry out ever. In between e svc pst spoke abt a person, and i nearly went out but i miss by 1 yr, pst said 5 and mine was 4. However i received e power too, while pst was praying for tat girl i felt a hand touching e back of my hand and i couldnt lift up hand.There was a huge weight coming fr e back and i noe is daddy la.Thn when pst ask all of us to raise up our hands to receive e holy spirit, e holy spirit came and gave me a high*5. That was a new experience, cos i usually felt it by feeling a thick surface covering my hand or feeling electric shock. When i got back to hostel, i took e opportunity to pray while everyone else was slping. So i was praying and giving tks to daddy for setting me free, thn He came and rest 2 of His hands on my shoulders. I felt it like He was giving me a very tight hug. The feeling was soooo tangible, so loved. He knew i needed a hug and He gave me, i was in awe! Still in high mood.

P.s.: Today is e 49th day ah ma left.